
Information and reading resources for kids.

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Tips for Teaching from Home

Homeschool 101: Things to Remember:  It’s not going to be perfect, and that’s ok. Maybe you have a day where you need to throw in the towel and let them run around outside. Perfectly acceptable!  It may be important for you to create a daily schedule in order to keep...

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Reading and Storytime Resources

A World of Stories | PBS LearningMedia   - Storytelling has been used as entertainment, cultural preservation, and a way to teach values. This collection contains stories from around the world. Storytime From Space  -Astronauts read books from the International Space...

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Early Literacy Resources @ the Library!

Every parent has probably heard that it is important to read to their young children.  A local Young Fives teacher has said that every September she can tell which of her students have been read to and which have not!  So read early and read often! Why read to your...

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